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Gersten, A. (2014). Helping Students Manage Stress and Build Resiliency. Workshops presented at The Education Collaborative, EDCO and Dedham, MA School District
Gersten, A. (2013). DSM-5 Childhood disorders: Changes and Continuity in DSM. Workshop presented at the Massachusetts School Psychologists Association, Framingham, MA.
Gersten, A. (2012). October. DSM-5: The Potential Consequences for Children, Adolescents, and Clinicians. Workshop presented at the New Hampshire Psychological Association, Nashua, NH.
Gersten, A. (2011, March). Counselor and Client Self-Report Questionnaires: DSM-5 Meets Current Clinical Practice. Workshop presented at the American Counseling Association Annual Conference, New Orleans.
Gersten, A. (2007, November). Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills, Tenth Annual Best Practices Conference on Education For All Children, New Hampshire School Administrators Association & NH Association of Special Education Administrators.